Saturday, 24 October 2015

A Cleaner World Requires Better Office Electronics Recycling Standard

While a great deal of people still acting as consumers within modern society grew up in the bygone throwaway eras, most people are supportive of the reduce, reuse and recycle mantra that has become iconic in this generation. For some products, reducing and reusing become problematic. Among those trouble makers are worn out, outdated and clunky office electronics that have far-surpassed their usefulness. Often taking up valuable space, these gadgets also represent a growing problem in the United States. Landfills teem with the detritus of the digital age, and this has led many states to seek legislation governing the methods by which owners handle electronics disposal. For most people, the best method for handling office electronics recycling is to contact professionals specializing in the field.

You might be shaking your head to imagine contacting a professional handler for electronics disposal, but if you truly understood the materials included in the construction of your office gadgets, chances are you would not want to continue holding onto those that are no longer functional. Surely, too, you would not feel good about tossing them out with your trash. Professional recycling centers, especially those working toward more sustainable methods understand and apply the best techniques for mitigating contamination potential.

Any electronics likely to be shipped off to landfills, piled up next to dumpsters illegally or left to gather dust in utility sheds may be brimming with heavy metals and other toxins. Dangerous metals and chemicals commonly found within tossed out electronics include but are not limited to
beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium hexvalent and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Most of these contaminants accumulate over time, and their effects on the environment, from plants to animals to people, can be felt for decades to come. Trying to deal with this yourself does not make sense when there are trained professionals to handle their proper disposal. In fact, the dangers these elements represent are so well-documented that at least 25 states have established legislation mandating heavy fines and even jail time for anyone caught improperly disposing of the electronics containing them.

One excellent move you can make toward a healthier environment is to become better educated regarding recycling service providers in your area. In many cases, incentives may be available to those who take the time to properly discard of their castaway office electronics.

One way to do your part for a cleaner world is to make sure your old computers, fax machines and other electronic detritus make it to professional recyclers. If you are interested in learning more about computer recycling in San Jose, please visit this website.

New law to encourage Georgia drivers to slow down around waste and recycling trucks

The law requires that a driver change lanes (if possible) or slow down by at least 10 miles an hour below the posted more

Categorizing Your Appliances for Simple Recycling


Many people do not realize that recycling appliances is not only a good way to earn a little cash but also a requirement of law in most areas. Categorizing your appliances according to their metal content and their need to be stripped before being taken to the proper facility will help to ensure that your recycling experience goes as smoothly as possible.

1.       Full Metal Appliances

Some Appliances are almost entirely metal. Examples such as washers and dryers include such low amounts of plastic that many professional recyclers will accept them just as they are.

2.       Some Plastics Included

When lots of plastic has been included in the construction of the appliances, stripping the plastic can help save time and ensure a better scrap metal price. This is especially true for automotive radiators, but home radiators are usually ready to be taken directly to a scrap metal recycler.

3.       Contaminant Removal Necessary

In cases where contaminants such as freon are likely to leak and harm the environment or people and animals, proper removal of chemical containers and elements is necessary. Choosing a recycler equipped to handle that for you is one way to ensure that you perform your recycle duties legally and ethically.

Whether your goals are environmentally or personally influenced, recycling wherever and whenever possible is the right thing to do. If you are interested in appliance and radiator recycling in San Jose, please visit this website.

Benefits of Recycling Stainless Steel


Because it contains nickel and chromium, stainless steel is protected from rust and corrosion. Its demand has doubled in ten years. Recycling this metal is a great way to reduce using earth’s natural resources.

Iron Out Your Metal Meanings


Those wishing to sell discarded metal must know what are the differences between ferrous and non-ferrous metals for recycling. Understand, any ferrous metal contains the chemical element   iron. Non-ferrous metal contains none. That said, when the question is asked in the scrap metal/recycling arena, there is more to be said.

1.  The Essential Differences—The ferrous group,iron, cast iron, wrought iron and steel solve many problems in building and manufacturing for their strength and durability. Non-ferrous metals have different properties and uses. Copper, for example, is a supreme heat and electrical conductor. Tungsten and titanium are hard and thermally stable, so suit high heat environments,

2.  Magnetic Differences—Put a sheet of paper over a magnet and pour on iron filings.Watch them snap into a pattern displaying the magnetic field. While other metals produce such fields, those of iron predominate in strength. Non-ferrous metals show no magnetism, so are inappropriate for a multitude of applications in which magnetism is central, like computer hard drives and speakers.

3.  Alloys—Metals can be combined to serve useful purposes. These combinations are known as “alloys.” For example, iron is combined with chromium to produce stainless steel that does not corrode. Aluminum alloys also do not rust, are lightweight, and so are ideal for aircraft parts.

For more information on scrap metal steel recycling in Santa Clara and the differences between ferrous and non-ferrous metals, visit this website.

National Waste & Recycling Association New York City Chapter Urges City to Implement Commercial Organics Law

The New York City Chapter of the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) today is urging New York City (the City) to proceed with implementation of Local Law 146, sometimes more

No Flap About Scrap


Anyone in the scrap business understands how important it is to know what type of scrap metal lies in that impressive heap. It’s a matter of dollars and cents. Copper, brass, aluminum and stainless steel are valuable. Iron, cast iron and steel, not so much. Don’t get worried. Learn the different tools and tricks to identify different forms of scrap metals in that heap. Here are three useful tests.

1.       Magnetic test—Find a magnet, even that one from your refrigerator that reads, “Bless this mess.” Touch the magnet to the piece of scrap metal. If it sticks, the metal is iron or steel. Unless your amount is a thousand pounds or more, these metals are of little interest to recycling/scrap companies.

2.       Sight test—Most people are familiar with aluminum because they have handled common beverage cans. It is light and rustproof. Brass or bronze also have a familiar look seen in musical instruments and ornamental pieces. Yellow-colored, it is a copper alloy, so half as valuable as pure copper. You will find copper in electronic devices, cookware and wiring. The pink of pure copper degrades to brown or red through tarnish, then to oxidized green. Think: Statue of Liberty. Lead is extremely heavy. Confirm its identity by carving it with a pocketknife. Stainless steel is cast in a number of varieties, of which #315 is the most valuable.

3.      Spark test—This centuries-old trick requires a little work with a bench grinder or similar device. Choose a large piece of scrap metal to avoid melting and touch the grinder to its surface. The resulting sparks tell tales. Nickel gives off dark red ones, titanium, bright white, and iron, long yellow. Watch the sparks for forks and sprigs. The more you see, the higher the metal’s carbon percentage.

If you would like to learn more different tools and tricks to identify different forms of scrap metals, information about recycling or prices per pound, or appliance recycling in Santa Clara, visit this site.

The Five R’s

When it comes to recycling, many people are familiar with the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. But did you know about the two other R’s? They stand for reform and refuse.